Hand on Heart

Thoughts about the Generous Donations from Believers

The Sabra Fund has been in operation for over 20 years now, in full partnership with believers in the Creator from around the world. They live in every possible corner: Indonesia and Papua in the East; Australia and New Zealand in the South; the European countries in the North; and Canada, the USA and Brazil in the West.

I am often asked by Israelis: What is the motive of all these different believers for sending donations and other kinds of participation in this holy work? And I of course explain: the Lord of all the earth directs His people to open their hands and hearts to the people of Israel, following the different ways for expressing generosity that the Creator has given us in the Scriptures.

When we the staff at Sabra hear new requests and pleas from the needy, the impoverished schools and boarding schools, and the Holocaust survivors, I and my colleagues often hesitate. Isn’t it “chutzpa” to again send out a letter asking for yet additional donations for these needs? The answers generally come during our visits to these places that we are helping.

One of those pivotal examples came up on December 28, just a few days ago. The Sabra staff were invited to visit a school in Afula that we have been helping in various ways. That same day, there was also a visit from city officials, accompanied by an inspector from the Education Ministry, to check on the quality of education in the kindergarten and first grade classes.

In this particular school, Sabra has been helping with renovations, new furniture, and reorganization of the learning environment. It has been a multifaceted effort, which includes shared areas for the children in these two grades, such as a hall for games, creative arts and group activities. Its purpose is to give both the kindergarteners and the first-graders a gradual transition to more serious school-level studies.

The inspector and city officials were dumfounded when they saw this innovation. Their eyes showed their excitement at the array of activities, spread out and nicely organized in a newly renovated space… including a sign displaying a Bible verse (in Hebrew and English) that instructs us to give to others.

One incident that touched my heart was watching these small children learning how to pray. They recited the prayers with such innocence and faith. At the end, they prayed a blessing on “the good people from the faraway lands” who were so helpful to their school. You can imagine how those pure blessings from young voices went straight to my heart.

On the way back to the office, I said to myself: This is the answer to my hesitation! Is it not a godly privilege to take part in this kind of effort?

Especially now, as we come to the beginning of 2022, I pray that the Creator and Lord of all the earth will give us another year of blessing, with the privilege of giving a helping hand to His people in Israel.

I close with the heartfelt prayer that the Creator will give each of you, dear participants, robust health, prosperity, and more of the wonderful Light of His Spirit to guide and encourage you and all those around you.

Be blessed from the Most High God,

Mordechai ben Yakov


The gifts of our friends make the work of the Sabra Fund possible.

No amount is too small – they all add up!

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