Helping girls in the boarding school on the Gaza border

Over the past three years, we have occasionally updated you regarding Sabra’s efforts to help and support these wonderful girls who were taken from their homes and placed in one of the Boarding Schools on the Gaza Border.

Their daily routine has been studies and activities at the boarding school, along with occasional runs to the security rooms during the day and night due to rocket fire and rocket bombs.

On October 7-10-23, the same Sabbath day when those Satanic soldiers, Hamas – ISIS, broke in.  those Satanic people entered all the settlements around but in one settlement they did not enter and so in the boarding school, a tremendous miracle. in some reason, they tried and failed, these precious girls were not harmed.

The girls were immediately evacuated as one group, and from time to time they are moved from place to another. It is clear to all of us that the emotional and psychological condition of the girls is not the best it must be. The girls had to leave a second home and were turned away from the home for the second time, and the only thing that could help them was to keep them together as a group so that one could support the other. That’s the reason for the transitions from place to place.

With almost nothing to take with them, the girls left their permanent place in a hurry.

Talking with the director of the Home, I was struck by a picture that does not allow us to remain indifferent.

The God of Israel makes it more and more clear to us in the period we are in, we are in the ‘end of the times’, we are responsible for the process of self-preparation, individually and as a community for what is to come. according the Bible, Preparing the heart and soul, preparing our bodies, getting closer to the God of Israel and the people of Israel.

As time passes and the war deepens, more and more are discovered of the atrocities that the soldiers of Satan the Hamas – ISIS, committed in the settlements on the border of Gaza.

The director of the boarding school was in touch with me and wrote me an urgent request for a donation for needs for at least the next four months, such as

– Clothing.

– Toiletries.

– Ongoing emotional support over time.

The total cost of the above is 50.000,00 NIS, that is 12,000.00 Euros, 13,000.00 $. And all of this is for the benefit of these wonderful girls.

We will all be praying to get this amount so that we can make it a little easier for them.

It is absolutely clear to me and to our friends that you, my brothers and sisters, are doing your best and really helping with all your heart to help and support the soldiers and civilians.  I’m sure that some of you helping other organizations too.

One of the things I will ask you to pray how to widen the circle and share with family members, friends and the churches where you pray, so that we can expand the circle of those who pray and help in this holy work; and may the Lord do what is good in His sight…”, (2 Samuel 11:12). In order to help the dear girls, children and soldiers as well, we give our heart, soul and open hand.

“…Be strong and courage’s! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For The Lord your God is with you wherever you go…”

Joshua 1: 9

May the blessings of the Most High be upon you, your family and your community.

From the House of Good Deeds, the House of Sabra, and the Land of Zion and the City of Jerusalem.

Your brother in faith

Mordechai ben Yaakov


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