“…and you shall tell your child…” (Exodus 13 : 8 )
What is our motive to celebrate Passover each year? It must be, to tell the Passover story to future generations. We do this by sharing the ‘Seder’ with our children explaining from our knowledge as adults that we were slaves, labouring under harsh bondage from a ruthless Pharaoh in Egypt. It is our obligation to instil in these children just how miraculously HaShem intervened opening the sea and bringing us out of slavery with a strong hand and a mighty arm.
Each year we are invited to one of the schools that we have helped and supported for many years – the age of the children ranges from kindergarten to sixth grade in elementary school. We enjoy and love to help organise and prepare the children before they leave the school to celebrate Passover. We teach them a little bit about how the holiday is celebrated and what the ‘Seder’ is all about.
Usually the students, teachers, and the representatives of the community along with the Rabbi of the town and our team are involved in the event; sometimes including guests from around the world; this time we were joined by dear friends from Finland and a couple from Germany.
However, this year the event was different from previous years. We added things such as prayer for the soldiers along with the recovery of the wounded and prayer for the safety of the hostages still in captivity.
Indeed, the atmosphere was different; all of us adults and guests could see this tension in the children because the daily news about the war and its continuation breeds a considerable anxiety in the students. We celebrated but with an atmosphere that was mixed with joy and sadness at the same time.
The event took place outside the main building in the playground. Each class has its own row of tables along with another beautifully set-out row of tables with chairs; empty, waiting for the abductees to participate in the Passover Seder.
While blessing the children and teachers, the Rabbi of Afula asked them, “Who is most important person at the Passover celebration?” The children tried to guess saying, “Miracles,” “Grandfather,” “Guests,” etc. He pointed out that it was the children who are the most important on Seder night because G-d commanded us to tell our children the story of the Exodus. We don’t know the future but we know G-d is in control and like the first Exodus will bring us through.
Personally, I have known the same prayers and songs since childhood. This year they have taken on a different and sharper meaning.
Here is an example:
A song – “And She Who stood for our ancestors and for us…” – a prayer song known almost all over the world states the following…
“And He, the Holy One, who stood and stands,
For our fathers and for us
Not just one
In every generation our enemies who plan to destroy us
But the Holy One, “Blessed be He”
Save us from them”.
Also a prayer song from other sources:
“… we were slaves of Pharaoh in Egypt…
slaves yes! we were slaves…!
Now we are free people, we are free people…”
I thought about the meaning of these words today, at this juncture in our history. Listening to the beautiful happy and catchy melody, it occurred to me that it was important to teach the children and to remind myself that my root is not a “prince” but a servant of the Creator who Himself redeems me, my family, all my brothers and our nation out of slavery to worship Him as the King of kings.
As one family we went to Egypt (Jacob and his sons), as one big family we suffered there, and as one family we left Egypt so we will celebrate the Seder – those missing on the eve of the Seder are the hostages and soldiers who continue to fight for us. We will encourage each other’s brothers, and many of our friends around the world who love us, pray and support us. I see them as those who are grafted into the family.
I was informed at the end of the ceremony of the happy news that this summer, new olim (immigrants families) will arrive in Israel from Europe. It is believed to be around 200 families from France. Twenty of them will come to Afula. The families have asked that their children study at the school which SABRA is connected with.
During this challenging time in our history, G-d is causing many to return to Israel – it made me think of the verse in Jeremiah which is being fulfilled before our eyes:
… Nations, hear the word of Adonai!
Proclaim it in the coastlands far away, say
“He who scattered Israel is gathering him,
guarding him like a shepherd his flock.”
10 (11) For Adonai has ransomed Ya‘akov,
redeemed him from hands too strong for him….” (Jeremiah 31:9,10,11)
We can know and understand that we are in the end times when we see scripture being fulfilled as quoted above. Is this ‘end time’ the coming redemption? We may ask ourselves, how will each one of us fit into this sacred and wonderful process?
May the blessings of the Most High be upon you, your family and your community. From the House of Good Deeds, the House of Sabra, the Land of Zion and the City of Jerusalem.
Your brother in faith
Mordechai ben Yaakov