So we brace ourselves and say to ourselves, as Yoav said to his brother Abishai: “…be strong and strong for our people and for the cities of our God, and God will do what is good in His sight…” (1 Chronicles 1:19:13).
We are already about fifty days into this difficult war, in which our best sons are being killed and wounded every day. Our soldiers have high morale, they know very well their mission to protect the people of Israel and the land of Israel; they are the modern-day “Maccabees”. The soldiers repeatedly emphasize that they will not allow the events of the Holocaust to happen again. At that time, the Jews did not have a state; today, God willing, they do. Their slogan is “Am Yisrael Hai” – the nation of Israel is a life, “the Creator of the world has promised, he will also fulfil”.
In the Gaza Strip, the army is waging a slow war, destroying terrorist tunnels when the branches of these tunnels are under the hospitals, and the hospitals themselves are hiding in the wards, where the terrorists disguised as medical staff are hiding rockets, weapons and ammunition under the beds.
This is not only happening in hospitals. It is also happening in children’s schools, kindergartens, associations, mosques and so on.
At the same time, you can see soldiers giving bread, water, fruit, vegetables and tinned food to children and families. They are encouraging them to move to the southern Gaza Strip to avoid harm.
In the north, Hezbollah shows no sensitivity towards the citizens of Lebanon. It fires into Israel, forcing Israeli citizens to evacuate to the center of the country, including Afula itself.
A few days ago, one soldier was killed and five wounded in the north. They belong to the same unit that we supported, helped and are still helping with clothes and other things.
Another small corner where, in addition to the physical help, we have opened a small window for our soldiers and citizens. Recently, one of the women, Liat, the wife of a soldier in the Gaza area, called me and thanked us for the help and the provision of tents in which she believed the soldiers would rest. (Winter has come, the rain and cold are already here). I told her where the donations were coming from and she replied to me that it had never occurred to her that there are Christians who love Israel. Liat said that she had seen and read in the media about the demonstrations against Israel, and that she had always thought they were political or wanted to Christianize the Jews.
I explained to her that the motive of the evangelical Christian is to believe in the God of Israel and His Word, and to believe that it’s necessary to love and strengthen the people of Israel because it’s the will of the Lord of all the earth. At the end of the conversation, Liat asked me to say to you, my brothers and sisters who believe in God: “Tell them to continue praying for us, for our soldiers, soldiers’ wives, all the people of Israel, this is another small seed we sowed among the people of Israel.
Contrary to those who demonstrate against Israel, we also see those who believe in the God of Israel standing with Israel, praying, giving and supporting Israel.
Here and there you can see leaders such as the Chancellor of Germany standing by Israel, the Presidents of the Czech Republic and Hungary supporting Israel’s right to defend itself. And just recently the President of Argentina was elected, a self-confessed lover of Israel.
Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him. Psalm 34:8
May the blessing of the Most High be upon you, your family and your congregation.
From the home of good deeds, and the land of Zion and the city of Jerusalem
Your brother in faith
Mordechai ben Yaakov