Dear friends,
Like every year we make poor school children happy with beautiful new school bags, including all the necessary equipment and books.
Especially this year parents are having a harder time. Many of them lost their source of livelihood.
A poor child going to school and seeing their friends with new bags, that are tidy and having all the equipment and books they need; can you imagine how he will feel?!
You have the ability to do a mitzvah: to make this child happy.
We are committed to starting as early as June with ordering bags, stationary and books, bag preparations, and to deliver them to the students.
Dear friends, everyone whose heart motivates him will give a hand.
Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in the power of your hand to do so.
Proverbs 3:27
Thanks and many blessings.
Your brother,
Mordechai ben Yakov
Director Sabra Foundation