“Iron Swords” , Soldiers Reacted After Receiving Help

We started packing some of the equipment into bags and even delivered them to some army units. Some of us are going to start packing on Sunday with volunteers, young children from the schools we help during the year.  Holocaust survivors, those wonderful men and women, who experience so much already in their life, wanted to come to help. with tears in their eyes, asking us to do something, to help the soldiers who are in combat.

And according to their words, if those soldiers had been there when we were children, those Jew-haters would not have succeeded in murdering us and our family. We are doing this for a better future for our grandchildren and great-grandchildren. It is true that today it is difficult for us to stand on our feet, but we will continue to help from where we are, we will help and pray for each case that the recipient soldier and his friends will return safely.

When we approached the school principals and asked for their help in packing the details of the equipment, they were very excited and immediately expressed their agreement. They said that the teachers and children really want to help and are excited at the thought of helping and being partners in this effort.

The soldiers responded after Shabbat.

One group of soldiers wrote

“…Thank you so much for the warm and delicious meals. And thank you for the clothes you gave us, they make us feel warm…”.

A second group of soldiers wrote to us:

“… Thank you, Sabra, for all that you are doing for us. Thank you for the food and the clothes. Thank you for the tactical equipment we need.

The food has given us a little bit of a feeling of being at home…”.

There was a third group who wrote to us:

“…To all Israel-loving friends worldwide, you are truly dear friends who love Jews and Israel.

For your generosity and kindness, we thank you from the bottom of our heart. From Moti, we understood that what drives you to connect with and love the people of Israel is the strength of your faith in the God of Israel and your belief in His Word.

When we had dinner together, we had the feeling of being at home around the dinner table. we don’t have enough words to express this feeling. And we don’t have enough words to thank you for giving.

It is through giving that we feel the strength and the love that we receive from the true lovers of Israel,

It is through you that we understand that there are also friends who love Israel, who love the God of Israel and who believe in His Word.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts and souls!

We the soldiers of the platoon loves you…”.

 We could see near the platoon the buses ready to go with our solders to the front.

“…How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!”                                             Psalm 133:1

We will continue to purchase and prepare additional kits and items for the winter and the coming days for the soldiers and civilians near the border with your prayers and support.

“the nation Israel Lives” – “AM ISRAEL HAI”

 May the blessings of the Most High be upon you, your family and your community.

From the land of Zion and the city of Jerusalem

Your brother in faith

Mordechai ben Yaakov


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