Another no less exiting celebration my team and I were invited to, was “receiving the first Prayer Book” for the children of the first class. Here in Israel it is a very important and special event. It is accompanied by an excursion. Also the parents are invited. We went to the city Tzfat (Safed) “The highest city in the Galilee with a rich history.” The ceremony was in a Synagogue build in the 14th century. It is difficult to explain, how special it was. The parents where deeply touched. Also this event included the Prayer Books for the children that were given by Sabra, given by you. Also we gave Hebrew/English Bibles to the teachers. They were so happy with them. I finish this report with Psalm 104:24
Psalm 104:24
O Lord, how manifold are Your works!
In wisdom You have made them all. The earth is full of Your possessions..